Pangandaran Beach

Monday, June 18, 2012

Variety of Pangandaran Tourism

As a favorite tourist
attraction in the South
West Java, Pangandaran
Beach has a variety of
interesting tourist options
to try and enjoy the
tourist activities and
tourist activities.
A variety of interesting
sights in the area of
Pangandaran beach with a
wide range of beauty,
uniqueness and variety of
different tourist
attractions can be a
choice of visitors. As a
tourist attraction that has
a good range of tourist
attractions of water, land
travel and air travel,
Pangandaran Beach have
these facilities.

- Miscellaneous Air Travel

With a presence in
Pangandaran Susi Air
flight that provides
services to enjoy the
beauty of the air with a
plane Pangandaran, or
enjoy parasailing on the
West Coast Pangandaran.

- Miscellaneous Water Travel

A variety of different
activities of water
attractions, swimming,
snorkeling, water sports,
jet sky, surfing, diving or
diving, along the beautiful
ocean with a boat cruise,
adventure down the river
Cukang Taneuh / Green
Canyon the watery calm,
greenery and cool in a
beautiful natural
panorama and natural
with a ketinting / Boats,
and various water games
on the Water Boom
Pangandaran. Or also
canoing and down the
river, do not miss the
body rafting, and more
various water attractions
that can be tried in

- Various Travel on Land

A variety of different
attractions on land, enjoy
the coolness of the thick
forest and a variety of
caves, flora, fauna, white
sand, historical sites in
Pangandaran Nature
Reserve, Cross Country,
enjoy the adventure along
the keindaha-angle beauty
Pangandaran area. Enjoy
the enchanting beauty of
attractions in the area of
Pangandaran Beach
Karang Nini to the Green
Canyon with a variety of
different attractions.

- Various Culinary Tour
Variety of typical dishes
and traditional to modern,
variety of snacks and
snacks, seafood and many
other culinary culinary
activities can be tried as
Pangandaran Beach.

- Business Shopping Tour
Various ornaments,
souvenirs, accessories at
Pangandaran Beach and
surrounding areas many
attractions sell souvenirs,
handicrafts beach, a
variety of shopping
options, do not forget to
wear a variety of motifs
and designs beaches are
also widely available, a
variety of salted fish from
small salted fish until the
fish sauce Jambal roti,
and others can be a
variety of shopping
There are many various
other attractions that
could be an option for the
try and be a tourist
activity in Pangandaran
beach and other
attractions around
Pangandaran Beach.
Various tourist activities
options to diversify
tourism in Pangandaran
Beach, Green Canyon,
Coral Coast Nini, Karapyak
Coast, Stone Coast Sharks,
Coral Coast Tirta, Batu
Karas beach, in
Pangandaran and other
places and Surrounding ..
As the choice of a variety
of tourism activities in the
South West Java.

Object charm Pangandaran Beach Tourism

Pangandaran Beach
tourism charm is so
beautiful and charming,
as a coastal tourist area,
with all colors, shades,
uniqueness, and natural
phenomena and tourism ..
The beauty and charm of
Pangandaran beach
tourism could become a
favorite tourist attraction
in West Java. Pangandaran
Beach as a tourist object
references in event
tourism Indonesia Visit
Indonesia Year, a charm
that is very exciting to be
able to well-known to
other countries. A variety
of enchanting beauty of
any place charming tourist
activity can be an
attraction to visit.
Pangandaran beach in the
sea area south of West
Java is a coastal tourist
area which has many
unique charm of the tour.
A variety of exquisite
charm of natural
phenomena that have two
sides of the central-coast
which is a central activity
in the tourist attractions
Pangandaran Beach.

~ Charm of the East Coast
Pangandaran Tourism

From the East Coast can
enjoy a variety of
enchanting beauty and
tourism activities as an
¤ Charm of the East Coast
of the beautiful Sunset
East coast of Pangandaran
is a wonderful place to
watch the morning when
solar berona UPUK red in
the east, and the cool
morning air of
comfortable places to sit
well on track or walking
along Water Dam Break
up ketengah beach.
¤ Fishing
Hobby activities could be
an option on the East
Coast tour that is fishing
in the area of Break Water
or Floating Bagang and
use the services of a
cruise boat rental fishing
in the waters of
Pangandaran beach with
boat rentals are relatively
Enchantment ¤ Travel Air,
Water Sports / Water
As the central eastern
coast of Pangandaran his
Water Sport Pangandaran
Beach is where the water
is very challenging day
trips and full of charm as
a place of water sports
and sightseeing water
testers andrenalin
Pangandaran Beach,
among others:
- Jet Sky
- Banana Boat
- Glass bottom
- Marbel
- And many others could
be her choice of water
sports and water tour on
the East Coast

¤ Enchantment Cruise
Boat tour the East Coast
- Boat Cruise East Coast,
ready to help you to
indulge water tourism and
marine tourism, traveling
waves and enjoy the
charm of the Pangandaran
Nature Reserve East Coast
waters. Wandering around
the nature reserve with a
variety of angles the
enchanting beauty of the
Nature Reserve on
Pangandaran Beach Boat
Cruise, to the West Coast.
- Fishing with boat cruise
to visit the service area of
the spot - spot the fish
and enjoy the enchanting
beauty Pangandaran Sea

¤ Culinary Tour
Pangandaran as the
central East Coast seafood
and a wide selection of
Pangandaran Beach
Restaurant to be right a
culinary tour, to spoil the
pleasure of the tongue
and the taste of the East
Coast culinary

¤ Charm of Shopping
Shopping with a
captivating charm of the
East Coast, various
ornaments, handicrafts,
souvenirs are beautiful
and fascinating, beach
clothes, snacks and snack
foods typical charm
makes an interesting tour.
Shopping for souvenirs
and snacks salty snacks
jambal other bread, for a
souvenir home.
Cycling Holidays
East Coast to the number
of bike rental service
vendor, can rent a bicycle
around the streets
enjoying the beach in
Pangandaran beach in
Pangandaran and charm
of the East Coast is
¤ Tourism and Creative
Enjoy the sights the East
Coast Charm Pangandaran
to try temporary tattoo
artists creations East
Coast who could charm a
beautiful and interesting
tattoos on the body.
A variety of East Coast
charm and tourism
activities in the tourist
can enjoy and tested for
your activities on the East
Coast Pangandaran.

Pangandaran Beach Boat Cruise Holidays

Trips to Pangandaran
beach do not forget to
ride the boat, there are
many boats that cruise
the West Coast
Pangandaran, ready to
take to the various tourist
attractions in maritime
Pangandaran. Travel with
the charm of the sea
Pangandaran Beach with
Boat Cruise can visit the
many sights that we can
see from close range,
among others, Batu
Mandi, Puth Sand, Stone
and Sea Park Screen.
Variety of nautical
tourism in Pangandaran
beach can be enjoyed
with a very charming from
Pangandaran Beach Boat
Cruise. Enjoy the thrill of
the surf when the waves
hit cruise boat and
cruised in the waters of
the sea Pangandaran, a
tourism activity that is
fun. Enjoy the beautiful
beach of Pangandaran
boat, Beautiful white
sand, and green and
asrinya Pangandaran
Nature Reserve, as the
enchanting beauty of
Pangandaran beach from
the boat cruise nautical
Pangandaran Beach.
Boat Cruise as a means to
enjoy the beauty of
nautical tourism in
Pangandaran Beach.
Pangandaran Sea is also a
great place for fishing,
with many spots where
the fish and fishing in the
area of Pangandaran
Beach tourism. Fishing in
the waters of the sea
Pangandaran can also use
the Pangandaran Beach
Boat Cruise with the lease
is not too expensive, and
the auxiliary is also
delivered to the fishing
spot is a lot of fish.
Because most of the
owners of a cruise boat
fishing as well, so it know
the exact spot the fish in
the sea Pangandaran.
Various marine tourism
route that can be enjoyed
with a boat cruise
Pangandaran beach, many
places where we can
enjoy the charm of
beauty, a charming
nautical tourism in
Pangandaran Beach Boat
Cruise, among others:
¤ White Sand Beach
White Sand Beach is a
tourist place has lots of
tourist activities that can
be enjoyed, various water
attractions and
underwater tours such as:
* Snorkeling
Listen to crystal clear
seawater White Sand
Beach is where the water
snorkeling tour with a
good variety of marine
life ..
- Ornamental fish and
coral reef fish diversity of
colors and shapes.
- Coral reefs are beautiful,
and charming.
- Seaweeds and colorful
sea Ganggeng
- Various other marine
On the White Sand Beach
Pangandaran is provided
complete with snorkeling
equipment rental fee is
very cheap.
* Swim in the White Sand
White Sand Beach
Pangandaran where
tourism is a safe
swimming and clean sea
water, at White Sands are
also available lease pool
equipment and life jackets
of various sizes, for
children and adults.
* Diving or Diving
White sand beaches
where tourism is a
stunning diving or diving,
with its underwater
beauty charm, and is a
very charming place to
dive with sea water, clean
white sand, Enchantment
of the beauty beneath the
sea is clearly visible.
* Main Sand
Most of the children in
addition to swimming,
sand play seneng also in
the White Sand Beach
* Sun or sun shower
Usually seneng foreign
tourists sunbathing or sun
bathing on the White
Sand Beach Pangandaran.
* Grill the fish and eat and
The masarakat around
Pangandaran Beach
typically are grilled fish
and a meal at the White
Sand Beach Pangandaran,
especially when fasting
Rhamadhan, or a fuel
munggahan many fish in
the White Sand Beach
Various tourism activities
in the White Sand Beach
Pangandaran can be
reached by boat cruise
Pangandaran Beach.
Marine tourism activities
by cruise boat can go to
other tourist attractions
¤ Pangandaran Beach
Marine Park
Marine Park place not far
from the White Sand
Pangandaran, a boat
cruise we can enjoy the
Beautiful Sea Park beach
in Pangandaran, a variety
of marine life can be seen
from the boat cruise, a
variety of fish and marine
plants we can see, a
variety of enchanting
beauty under the sea
water was seen clear.
¤ Bath Stone
Batu Mandi Pangandaran
Beach is the next tourist
attractions can be visited
by boat cruise
Pangandaran Beach.
Dozens of rocks are
beautiful with its
uniqueness as a
fascinating place to be
seen from the boat cruise.
Batu Mandi Pangandaran
Beach is a challenging
place to surf good waves
and stunning Bath Stone
Pangandaran is also a
fishing spot quite a bit of
Further to Pangandaran
Beach Boat Cruise can
visit a unique place that is
Stone Screen,
¤ Stone Screen
Pangandaran Beach
Pangandaran Beach is a
stone screen of unique
tourist attractions in the
area of Pangandaran
Beach. Stone screen
Pangandaran Beach is a
unique rock because its
shape resembles a sail,
with the charm of beauty,
Stone Screen is a unique
and beautiful place to
visit as a tourist circuit
Pangandaran Beach Boat
Cruise, as a pleasant
beach resort ..

Friday, March 30, 2012

Pantai Barat Pangandaran / west beach Pangandaran

Pangandaran West Beach ( Pantai Barat ) populer with ''swiming area'' with low wave but we must always obey all warning..we must swiming at swiming area from 06.00 am-17.00 am wib, swiming with ban, boogie, and swiming not par from beach or sea shore..
Pantai Barat in vacantion.

We can found hotel, restaunt, coffe shop at west beach music at cafe anda resto

Clothing shop and souvenir shop
more in this area..more handycraft we can get, more shell handycraft, wood handycraft, baske, n more etc..and more beach wear, with central Pasar Wisata..

Alike Pantai Timur at Pantai Barat more counter temporary tato..

We can get beautyfull sunset and flying fox in the sky fly from conservation forest ( Cagar Alam ).

More event usually at Pantai Barat, Celebration of year change, music live and more etc..

Boat tour
with boat we can around beach, to Batu Layar ( coral alike boat screen ) Taman Laut with more species of fishes and full of colours. Batu Mandi with more beautyful coral.. Pasir Putih Beach is swiming area with white Cagar Alam area..
Little information about Pangandaran Pantai Barat.

Hotels Pangandaran / Pangandaran Hotels

Pangandaran in vacantions always full by visitor. More hotels promotion their vacilites and service. Modern hotels and clasic hotels ready service for their visitor. Alike a photo in this post with clasic style very interest, with made 80% with bamboo, Astistic and exotic. I take photo from Bumi Pananjung Hotel Pantai Timur Pangandaran. In Pangandaran Beach now more hotels, bungalows and losmens can you choose with find service and facilities.

Green Canyon of Indonesia

At West Java, Indonesia with more of beautyfull places, Green Canyon is one of more beautyfull places..Green Canyon is populer place for your vacantions. With distance 20km from Pangandaran Beach find for come on.